Have you been diagnosed with Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD)?

Researchers at the University of Manchester are seeking to recruit participants who have been diagnosed with Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD) for a visual motion perception study.

What is the purpose of the research?

We are investigating visual motion perception in Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD). This work will provide preliminary data that will form an important component of a subsequent funding application to the Medical Research Council. In the subsequent project we aim to use similar techniques together with Virtual Reality technology to investigate new treatment options for PPPD (although note that there will be no immediate benefits of this preliminary study).

Click here to watch a video with further information about the study

You can take part in this research if you:

  • have a PPPD diagnosis (from a neurologist or vestibular specialist although we do not need proof of this diagnosis)
  • have normal or corrected to normal vision (glasses/contact lenses are fine)
  • are able to attend unaided our lab at the University of Manchester
  • are able to read, understand and speak English fluently
  • are aged in the range 18-65
  • have no other medical conditions that might significantly impair your ability to make judgements about a moving target.

What would I be asked to do if I took part?

You will be asked to complete a series of tasks in which you make judgements about the movement of visual motion patterns. An example of the kind of pattern you will look at is given here. You would only need to look at the patterns for a second or so at a time.

The experiment should last no more than 90 minutes to complete.

You will be compensated for taking part in the study.

If you are interested, please email Paul Warren for further information.

The study has been reviewed by University Research Ethics Committee, The University of Manchester (Ref. 13458)

View this information on the research section of our website.

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