Image for Welcome to our new Ambassador: Diego Kaski

Please join us in welcoming Diego Kaski as an Ambassador for the Ménière's Society.

"I am a Consultant Neurologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Honorary Associate Professor at University College London. I specialise in the diagnosis and treatment of dizziness, balance and eye movement disorders and lead vestibular neurology clinics at the Royal National ENT & Eastman Dental Hospitals and an Acute Vertigo Clinic at University College London Hospital.

I am an active teacher in vestibular neurology, regular international invited speaker on vestibular neuroscience topics, and run a popular dizziness and balance workshop for medical professionals in London.

From a personal perspective I am indebted to the Ménière’s Society, who have not only provided essential funding for research projects related to acute vertigo, but have also supported clinical and research endeavours through patient support, patient and public involvement venture, and media coverage. The Ménière’s Society is the leading charity for people with dizziness and balance disorders and I am committed to supporting the vital clinical and research activities that it undertakes."


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