Mindfulness and CBT techniques to help patients with persistent or episodic dizziness.
My name is Debbie Cane, and I'm a Senior Clinical Scientist (currently working at Withington Community Hospital) and at Manchester University as an audiology lecturer. Much of my clinical work involves the use of mindfulness and CBT techniques to help patients with persistent or episodic dizziness.
Before the pandemic, I was teaching the Breathworks ‘Mindfulness for Health’ course to patients with persistent dizziness and tinnitus. This is an 8-week mindfulness programme that helps people experiencing pain and other chronic illnesses live fuller lives. Within this work, I also developed some additional condition-specific resources for this course. During the pandemic, and since then, I have used mindfulness techniques (along with CBT and vestibular rehabilitation) in my 1:1 appointments, to help patients with persistent dizziness ‘live well’ with their symptoms. Read more about managing dizziness with mindfulness.
In 2020, Breathworks set up a free resource called the ‘Community of Practice’. This platform serves to help people support each other with their mindfulness practice and connect though shared experiences (including managing physical and mental health challenges). As well as sharing interesting articles and resources, they host a range of free online events, including regular group meditations and a monthly meet up for those with chronic pain or long-term health conditions. The Community of Practice is completely free to join either through the internet, or via an iOS or Android app. All you need is a name and email address to sign up.
I recently launched a specific group within the Community of Practice for those with persistent dizziness and tinnitus. This group is open to those who already use mindfulness for their symptoms, or who have a practice and would like to know how to use their existing practice with new tinnitus or dizziness. It’s a place where we can share and ask questions about how mindfulness may support our experience with challenging symptoms.
Mindfulness should be seen as a support, not replacement to existing medical care. I therefore ask that people only join this group when they have sought a consultation from a medical professional about their symptoms, and/or received a diagnosis before or as well as embarking on any mindfulness techniques. To ensure the safety of those in the group, we also do not allow people to ask for or offer medical advice.
I’d love for you to join us in our Mindfulness for Dizziness & Tinnitus online group. Click here to create your account on the Breathworks Community of Practice, and then head to the ‘Groups’ tab on the left-hand side bar to find us.
More about Breathworks
Since 2001, Breathworks has been helping people with pain, illness and stress live better, fuller lives.
The UK-based charity was the first to develop a Mindfulness-based Pain Management (MBPM) programme, which has been supported by research and health organisations around the world. Today, Breathworks has taught more than 100,000 individuals and has trained over 600 mindfulness teachers across 35 countries. The organisation is committed to making mindfulness accessible and inclusive and provides funding and support for those with financial (or other) barriers.
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