Image for Your Opinion Counts!

We are seeking people to take part in the following focus group sessions about the future direction of our charity. Meetings will take place online using Zoom.

Focus Group 1: Friday 4 February 2022 13:00-14:00 For current Meniere’s Society members who have been diagnosed with a vestibular condition (NOT Meniere’s in this case), or are yet to receive a confirmed diagnosis.

Focus Group 2: Monday 7 February 2022 18:00-19:00 For people who are not members of the Meniere’s Society but have a Meniere’s diagnosis.

Focus Group 3: Wednesday 9 February 2022 13:00-14:00  For people who are not members of the Meniere’s Society and have been diagnosed with a vestibular condition (NOT Meniere’s in this case), or are yet to receive a confirmed diagnosis.

Note: Our focus group for current Meniere’s Society members with a confirmed Meniere’s diagnosis is already full.

If you would like to participate in one of the above sessions, please email us to register attendance ( stating which meeting you would like to attend. You will receive an information pack with further details about the consultation and a Zoom link by email following registration.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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