Notice is given of the 33rd Annual General Meeting of the Ménière’s Society. Due to the current pandemic, we are unable to hold a face to face AGM this year, so instead will be holding a virtual AGM on Saturday 10 October 2020 at 16:30. Please email to register attendance, the link to the online AGM will be available nearer the time.
The following business will be transacted at the meeting:

1. Apologies for Absence

2. Minutes of the Last AGM
To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on Saturday 12 October 2019.
3. To Consider the Annual Report and Accounts
To receive and adopt the Financial Statements of the Ménière’s Society for the 12 months ended 31 March 2020.
4. To Elect the Trustees. See notes, below.
The following members offer themselves for election/re-election at the AGM:
Iain (Spike) Bromley
Andrew Clements
Carol Evans
Pennie Ford
Alan Jacques
Rory MacNeill
David Renton
Simon Webster
5. To Elect the Honorary Officers: Chair of Trustees, Vice-Chair and Treasurer. See notes, below.
That David Renton be re-elected as Honorary Chair of Trustees
That Pennie Ford be re-elected as Honorary Vice-Chair
That Iain (Spike) Bromley be re-elected as Honorary Treasurer
6. To Appoint Auditors
The trustees recommend the appointment of Chamberlains Accountancy as auditors for the Ménière’s Society.
7. Any Other Business
By Order of the Trustees                                                                                        
Natasha Harrington-Benton, Director                                                               
Dated: 15 July 2020
Ménière’s Society, The Rookery, Surrey Hills Business Park, Wotton, Surrey RH5 6QT        
Items 4 & 5: Nomination of Honorary Officers and Executive Committee:
Only full members of the Ménière’s Society, whether individual or representative, are eligible to serve as Honorary Officers or members of the Executive Committee. Members can nominate any eligible person as a Trustee or Officer. Nominations for Honorary Officers or additional members of the Committee must be made by full members of the Society in writing and with the consent of the nominee. Nomination papers will be sent on request and must be received by the Ménière’s Society at least 28 days before the AGM; signed by both nominee and proposer.
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