Members' Update: January 2025

Thank you for continuing your membership of the Ménière's Society for a further year, we really appreciate your support.

We'll notify you when the next issue of our magazine, Spin is available, In the meantime, our latest news is included in this update.

In this update:


Member Support Sessions

The Ménière’s Society hosts monthly online meetings to help people find out more about vestibular conditions and how to manage them? 

The sessions give you the chance to make contact and chat with others about what you're going through and what can be done to help. View dates of forthcoming meetings and register for a session here.

"I found it very useful and interesting to find out how other people are affected and how they cope with it. I am sure it will help me deal with the condition in future and I will join in with future meetings."


Participants Needed For Research Projects

There are several research projects currently recruiting participants. Current studies are seeking participants with a diagnosis of PPPD; Ménière’s; and those that experience dizziness. Please visit our website to take part and find out more information about the studies, including eligibility criteria.


Research Programme

The Ménière’s Society is a UK registered charity proud to have a fund exclusively for vestibular research. Our Research Programme started in 1998 and, since then, we have supported projects aimed at identifying:

  • better tests to identify and monitor conditions
  • less destructive treatments for severe cases
  • a better understanding of the cause of vestibular disorders
  • a greater understanding of the psychology of vestibular disorders.

Read more about our research programme.

Donate NOW! Unfortunately, our funds aren't endless and we need your help to replenish our funds. Please donate if you can and/or share our link with others who may wish to contribute:


Buy Cards for Any Occasion

Do you need a card for a birthday, anniversary or other occasion and want to support the Meniere's Society at the same time?

Buy personalised cards or 3D ecards for any occasion from ‘Making A Difference Cards’ and support the Meniere's Society at the same time!


Help Secure Our Charity's Future

Leaving a legacy to the Ménière’s Society is a lasting gift to a cause that is important to you during your lifetime.

Not only will you help us with continuing our day-to-day work, your gift can also help us plan for the charity’s future. We are pleased to partner with two organisations who can help with writing and/or updating your will. They can also assist, should you wish to donate to us too.

We are pleased to partner with two organisations who can help with writing and/or updating your will. They can also assist, should you wish to donate to us too. 

Find out more about writing or updating your will and leaving a gift to the Meniere's Society...


Share Our Posts

If you're not already following us on our social media pages, please check out our Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram and LinkedIn. We post regularly with supporter questions and our ‘Let’s Talk Friday’. To view our Facebook page you do not need an account, however, if you would like to make a comment, an account will be required.


Please Give Us Your Feedback

We do hope you are happy with your membership. To help us improve our services and ensure you receive the information you want from us, please complete our short feedback form.


Have You Got A Question?

If you have any questions about your membership or would like to chat with our team, why not give us a call or drop us an email. Our team are in the office Monday-Friday during office hours; we'd love to hear form you.

Tel: 01306 876883          Email:

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