This year's Balance Awareness Week will take place 15-21 September 2024.
We encourage members, supporters, health professionals, in fact, anyone with an interest in vestibular disorders, to take part. The Ménière’s Society will be running various events as well as encouraging supporters to come up with their own ideas. Whether it’s a coffee morning, bucket collection, manning an information stand or running a marathon – we’ll appreciate anything you can do to raise awareness and/or funds.
Why should I get involved?
The Ménière’s Society is the only registered charity in the UK dedicated solely to supporting people with vestibular (inner ear) disorders causing dizziness & imbalance. We receive no government funding & rely solely on fundraising & memberships to fund our vital work. Support us by becoming a member or making a donation to our work.
Where does it take place?
Worldwide! We’ll be working alongside other organisations as part of a global effort to raise awareness and defeat dizziness.
Further information to help you get involved in Balance Awareness Week 2024...
Download our Balance Awareness Week Information Pack with details of why should join in Balance Awareness Week 2024 and what you can do to get involved.
Download our Selfie Sign and share your photos on social media during Balance Awareness Week 2024 to raise awareness and show you are #BalanceAware
If you'd like more information, please email us:
“I find it very frustrating that not many people know about Ménière's and the effects it has on a person. I would love to see this change so sufferers gain a better understanding from friends, family and work colleagues”
Join Us
You can also support the Ménière’s Society by becoming a member. Benefits of membership include:
- Understand your condition and symptoms
- Keep updated on treatments and research
- Support essential vestibular research
- Get exclusive downloads