Living with a vestibular disorder can be distressing and sometimes debilitating. Most people, however, learn how to manage their symptoms and any associated problems. This page includes some tips on how to cope with dizziness and imbalance day to day, as well as further information on some specific topics.
It is very important to find out the cause of your symptoms and you should see your GP or other health professional if your symptoms have changed or if you have any questions or concerns about your condition. You can also contact us to talk to a member of our team; although we can't give specific medical advice, we are here if you want to chat!
Information for you
- Built environment
- Coping with vertigo on special occasions
- Driving and the law
- Music listening with hearing aids (external link not produced by the Ménière's Society)
- Travel
- Vision and vertigo
Information to help others support you
Useful tips for coping with vertigo day-to-day
- In the morning, get up slowly and give your senses time to adjust to being upright.
- Plan your day. Start with a short, realistic list which includes time for breaks. Breaks are important, especially if you begin to feel tired.
- Stay active - regular exercise is important for maintaining flexibility and strength which can help you balance. Go for a walk; if you don’t feel confident enough to go on your own, ask someone to go with you. Walking helps your circulation, general fitness, as well as building confidence.
- While shopping, take your time. Focus on single items at regular intervals to give your eyes and brain a break, go at your own pace and have frequent stops.
- Rest when you feel tired; sit quietly for 5-10 minutes.
- If you wear glasses make sure your prescription is up to date. If it isn’t, get it checked
- Rest before and after any major activity during the day.
- Some people find that wearing sunglasses helps relieve eye strain.
- Carry your medication with you.
- At night, listen to a relaxation tape or soothing music. Use night lights in places you are likely to go during the night, but make sure they don’t flicker. Move furniture out of your path to give yourself a clear route to the bathroom.
A lot of my family never really understood the effects that Ménière’s disease has on normal day to day living. My husband was very supportive and made sure that I had an emergency kit; Buccastem, wipes, towels and a small bucket in the car at all times.”