The information on the Ménière's Society website is for information only.
The Ménière's Society can provide general information, but is unable to provide specific medical advice. It is very important to find out the cause of your symptoms and you should see your GP or other health professional if you have any questions or concerns about your condition.
The Ménière's Society recommends that you always consult your GP, consultant or therapist for professional guidance before you begin, change, temporarily suspend or discontinue any treatment, medication, exercise or diet.
The Ménière's Society has undertaken no investigation of any treatment, medication, exercise or diet and expressly disclaims any and all liability resulting from its use. The Ménière's Society does not recommend or endorse a specific product, service, treatment or organisation.
We do our best to ensure information is correct at the time of publication.
The Ménière's Society cannot advise on individual cases nor accept any liability resulting from the use of any treatments, services, products or other information referred to on this website.