Research Supporter

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Research Supporter Benefits

  • Support essential vestibular research
  • Keep up-to-date on current research

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  • Research supporter certificate
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  • Regular email updates

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Research Supporter

Help us support further research into vestibular disorders.

Join the fight against vestibular disorders by becoming a research supporter so we can continue our important work funding and supporting vital research in vestibular disorders.

Become a research supporter to receive regular research email updates and your name listed as a dedicated research supporter on our website*. Add to basket to support us now!

The Ménière's Society has invested over £1million to-date to support research into vestibular disorders. This has led to a greater understanding of vestibular conditions; improved tests to identify and monitor conditions; and better, less destructive treatments for severe cases. Read more about our research programme and projects we're currently supporting.

Make a one-off or regular donation. Choose the amount you'd like to contribute from the drop-down list of options below. Multiple amounts can also be added.

To ensure your support stays current and doesn't lapse why not set up a regular payment to the Society. Contact us to set this up. Please also get in contact if you'd prefer to donate monthly or contribute a different amount. 

* You can remain anonymous if you prefer.

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