Individual Online Membership

Individual Online Membership images See full-size image

Benefits of membership

  • Understand your condition & symptoms
  • Keep updated on treatments & research
  • Support essential vestibular research 

You'll receive

  • Membership card
  • Members' information pack
  • Spin magazine
  • Access to a wide range of information

...and more!

Individual Online Membership

Support if you're affected by a vestibular/inner ear disorder

Receive our information and Spin magazine online

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With our online membership you can access our information and magazine with an online account through our website. If you would prefer to receive our information and magazine in print format by post, please click here to purchase a Print/Post subscription.

Buying a gift membership? If you are buying a membership for someone else, please provide details when you checkout.

Membership is annual. To pay for two or more years at a time, just increase the quantity of memberships in your basket. We will send an invitation to renew when your membership is due.

Want to ensure your membership stays current and doesn't lapse? Set up a regular payment to the Society for seamless renewals; contact us to set this up.

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