Help us grow our research programme
To-date the Ménière's Society has invested over £1million to support research. This has led to a greater understanding of vestibular conditions; improved tests to identify and monitor conditions; and better, less destructive, treatments for severe cases. Read more about our research programme and the projects we’ve funded over the last 30 years.
Join the fight against vestibular disorders
Please help us by making a donation and encouraging others to donate, so we can continue our important work.
Your donation goes directly to our research fund
If you make a donation to the Society and specify it is for research then your contribution goes to our research fund to support essential projects.
Here’s how your money could be spent:
£10 helps cover the print/postage costs for five surveys
- £50 could fund a PhD student for a day
- £100 pays for 2-3 hours of clinical research
- £500 could pay for essential research consumables
How will I benefit?
As well as your contribution helping us to support more vital research in the field, we’ll also send you an update twice a year to let you know what research we’re funding and how your money is being spent. We’ll also add your name* to our research supporters list below so you can see who's helping our research fund to grow.
(* you can remain anonymous if you prefer.)
Becoming a research supporter is straightforward
1. Choose Research Supporter on our online shop to donate now.
2. Set up a standing order with your bank.
If you wish to make a regular standing order to the Ménière's Society, you will need to provide your bank with the following information:
- The amount of your donation
- How often you want to donate - weekly/monthly/annually
The Meniere's Society bank details:
Account Name: The Ménière's Society
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00017973
CAF Bank, 25 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent ME19 4JQ
Reference: Please ask your bank/building society to quote your surname followed by RES : for example: SMITH RES
If you are a member of the Society, please also include your membership number: e.g. SMITH 1235 RES
If you already have a standing order with the Ménière's Society (e.g. for your membership), please either amend the total amount of your standing order to cover both or let your bank know that the two standing orders will run concurrently.
Please email us to let us know you have set up a standing order so we can update our records. You can also let us know by phoning 01306 876883.
Spread the word about being a research supporter!
Let your friends and family know about what you have done and get them to join in too! Share this link by email or social media:
Current research supporters
Many thanks to our supporters who are helping to grow our research fund:
- G Hunt
- A Lomas
- J Ventresca
Join Us
You can also support the Ménière’s Society by becoming a member. Benefits of membership include:
- Understand your condition and symptoms
- Keep updated on treatments and research
- Support essential vestibular research
- Get exclusive downloads