Increasingly people are requesting that donations are being made in memory of loved ones to a charity of their choice, instead of sending flowers at funerals. We thank you for thinking of the Ménière's Society at this time.

How do I make an 'in memory' donation to the Ménière's Society?

To arrange donations to the Ménière's Society in memory of a loved one, please let your family and friends know to send their donation to us together with the name of the person being remembered.

  • You can collect the donations yourself and send the total amount to us in one go. Please email if you'd like details of how to make a bank transfer
  • Family and friends can donate online via our website. Visit  and click 'Donate' at the top of the page
  • Send any cheques (payable to Ménière’s Society) direct to our address: Meniere's Society, The Atrium, Curtis Road, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1XA
  • Call us on 01306 876883 to donate over the phone by debit/credit card
  • Create a dedicated donation page. Your funeral director may be able to set this up for you, or you can create one through JustGiving (this link takes you to an external website).

If you choose to make a donation in memory of a loved one to the Ménière’s Society, you may also choose to stipulate how you’d like us to use your gift. Perhaps you’d like it to be for the general use of the Society, which can be applied to the most needed area at the time. Alternatively, you may wish your gift to be reserved specifically for research projects. Whatever your preference, your gift will assist the Society in the work we do and the services we provide those affected by vestibular conditions. Find out more about where your money goes.

Please contact us if you'd like any further information. Email or call us on 01306 876883.

Join Us

You can also support the Ménière’s Society by becoming a member. Benefits of membership include:

  • Understand your condition and symptoms
  • Keep updated on treatments and research
  • Support essential vestibular research
  • Get exclusive downloads