The hidden disability of chronic dizziness expressed through art.
No-one can see chronic dizziness
People often report that friends, colleagues, families and loved ones don’t understand what they are going through due to the hidden nature of this disability.
Living in fear
Many who experience dizziness fear going out. They worry if they will have another attack of dizziness, whether they will vomit or fall, or if they will be labelled as intoxicated by those who don’t understand.
Words are not enough
No matter how many words they use, people still say their symptoms are not fully understood.
Click here to view the Dizziness and Me Artwork received so far
I find it very frustrating that not many people know about Ménière's and the effects it has on a person. I would love to see this change so there is better understanding from friends, family and work colleagues.
Show others how you feel...
- Without using words, create a piece of artwork, in any medium, to depict your dizziness; your hidden disability.
- Show us how you’re affected and how it feels for you.
We also want to see YOU - the real person behind your dizziness. Show us the face behind the dizziness too by sending a photo of yourself to accompany your art.
Submit your artwork
Download and complete an entry and consent form and return with your artwork. Please contact us on 01306 876883 if you would prefer to receive a copy of this form by post instead. Email your form and artwork to the Meniere’s Society or by post to: Dizziness & Me, Ménière's Society, The Atrium, Curtis Road, Dorking, Surrey RH4 1XA
- Entries should be your own original work.
- Please attach a completed entry and consent form with your art
- Artwork submitted by post should be no larger than an A4 large letter. If your artwork is larger than this, please take a photo and send the photo to us by post or email instead.
- We regret we are unable to return submitted artwork.
View the Dizziness and Me Artwork
We've had some fantastic responses to the Dizziness and Me artwork project so far. You can view all the artwork here...
About the Dizziness and Me Project
Dizziness and Me was an original idea by Debbie Cane, Senior Clinical Scientist at Withington Community Hospital. The Ménière's Society is very pleased to be able to collaborate on this project. Initially launched during Balance Awareness Week 2020, Dizziness and Me Artwork will be shared on the Ménière's Society website. The resources will also be made freely available to GP and audiology services with the hope that they can be used in waiting rooms and via social media.
Together we can raise awareness of chronic dizziness and increase understanding among the general public, GPs, health professionals and the friends & families of those living with dizziness.
Join Us
You can also support the Ménière’s Society by becoming a member. Benefits of membership include:
- Understand your condition and symptoms
- Keep updated on treatments and research
- Support essential vestibular research
- Get exclusive downloads